Monday, May 11, 2009

Show and Do Camporee, Spring 2009

Four members of the Lakota chapter went to the Cascade District's Spring Camporee at Simpson Springs to camp as a chapter. Two more youth arrowmen were there with their units. We also found that we had seven adults members of the Order there — now we need to recruit them into the chapter.
While we were there, we had four goals:
  1. To provide on-site support for the camporee
  2. To perform our call-out ceremony
  3. To take part in the Show and Do activity
  4. To have a good time camping as a chapter
Our chapter was the first unit on site. We split up, so that we could get our campsite set up and set up people at the entrance and the camping area to great incoming scout units and direct them to where they needed to be. It was good to see arrowmen serving the district like this.

The call-out ceremony went very well. We had about a dozen candidates called out, and the rest of the scouts and scouters in attendance seemed impressed with the whole thing. The candidates and members portion of the ceremony was held in a blind draw out of sight of the rest of camp, and was a great introduction and invitation to the Ordeal (without violating its mystery).

For the show and do, our chapter made donuts. It seemed like we had a pretty long line of scouts waiting to get a fresh donut. Hopefully, it showed everyon that there are some great breakfast options for a camp-out. I really enjoyed hearing the pro-OA buzz that it created among the other campers.
I think the best part of heading to the camporee as a chapter was just being able to hang out together. We had a good time camping out, and everyone enjoyed a 'quick' post-camporee run to the geode beds. (OK, so it was more like a half hour drive than a quick trip, but we all had fun anyway.)
Good luck to all of the candidates who were called out, we can't wait to see you at one of the upcoming ordeals. Maybe in the fall, you can be part of the call out team.


  1. What is the recipe for the donuts? I want to try it at home.

  2. Ok, I just posted it on the blog. Oh, it's also in this month's ScouterUp!
