- Attendance at the National Jamboree: Michael Eyler served on the OA Service Corps at the National Jamboree.
- Another Eagle: Gabe Richardson was awarded his Eagle last month. Congratulations!
- Trail Maintenance: We really fell down on our maintenance of the trail this year. We did get in one maintenance hike in September, and a couple of units hiked the trail after we recommended it to them.
- Movie Night: On Nov 12, we had 12 youth and 3 adults gather to hold elections, eat pizza, and watch Time Bandits. A good time was had by all.
- New Chapter Officers: We have a new CEB! Ian Frandsen continues to serve as Chapter Chief, David Armond is still our Vice Chief, Gabe Richardson is our new secretary, Trevor Dean is our new Vice Chief for Ceremonies, and Henry Avery is our new Vice Chief of Troop/Team Representatives. Good luck to all of them in the coming year.
Don't forget, the lodge is holding Lodge Conference on Dec 29-31 at the Delta Man Camp (the same place we attended conclave in April). The cost will be $40 if you register before 12/15. Sign up now. (If you're going, please let Pat Eyler or Ian Frandsen know if you've registered so that we can arrange rides.)