David Armond, our Chapter Vice-Chief, is our first volunteer. He was elected into the OA in January 2009 (at our District's Klondike Derby), and underwent his Ordeal in May 2009 at Camp Jeremiah Johnson.
Since his Ordeal he's served as an Elangomat and as a member of our Slide Canyon Trail Crew. He is also a member of our 2010 call out team.
You've been an arrowman for less than a year. What have been your best experiences so far?
Some of my best experiences so far have been at... tepee week , and my ordeal, they were both really fun. At tepee week I met a bunch of new people that now I see everyday. And I got to be Elangomats for them. My ordeal was also way fun because, I got to learn what was like to be an Arrowman.Which of this year's big events (Conclave, TeePee Week, or Pow Wow) are you most looking forward to? Why?
TeePee week
- it's a week long
- last year they had horseback riding ( that was AWESOME by the way... :) )
- I hope My friends are going ;)